Mediation & Collaborative Law

Dissolving a marriage and sorting out child custody can be difficult even without a protracted court battle. Fortunately, there are alternatives for clients who enlist the services of collaborative lawyers.


Mediators offer neutral and experienced guidance through all family law issues. The goal of a divorce mediator is to facilitate the parties in reaching a compromise that is perhaps not ideal for either party but a reasonable outcome with less risk and expense than litigating.

Collaborative law

The parties and their collaborative attorneys commit to using a team approach to resolve all issues including finances, property division, custody, and visitation without litigation. If successful, the parties of a collaborative divorce conclude with a uniquely crafted agreement based on their personal priorities and a basis for communicating and problem solving in the future.

Why Mediation & Collaborative Law

A collaborative divorce and divorce mediation are cost-effective and time-efficient ways to amicably resolve your legal issues without entering a courtroom. Both collaborative law and divorce mediation provide an opportunity for spouses to discuss the details of their divorce in a productive, non-combative manner. Additionally, both of these methods allow more privacy for your personal matters than litigation in public court.

Each spouse must display a willingness to cooperate and compromise. When both parties are able to do so, it enables them to make decisions without the aid of a judge. When a case is resolved through collaborative law or mediation, the result is often customized divorce and custody agreements that better fit your needs.

As an experienced mediator in Georgia collaborative law, I recommend these alternatives to my clients when appropriate.

Contact me for assistance

When a legal matter arises, the lawyer you select plays a crucial role in the outcome of your case. Contact me, Paige Norwood Jennings, today. I look forward to discussing your case with you and guiding you through the legal process during this difficult time.