Domestic Violence

When a party is involved a domestic violence situation, meaning assault, threats, abusive control or serious verbal abuse between two or more people that are married, live together or are related, the survivor’s best protection is to seek a Temporary Protective Order or TPO. Obtaining a TPO can be challenging and frightening. While many non-profit agencies assist survivors with the first steps, your argument is better presented with an attorney by your side.

In my nearly 30 years of experience, I have devoted a lot of time to domestic violence cases through my divorce cases and volunteer work with the Georgia Coalition Against Domestic Violence organization and with Family Refugee Services. Just like divorces, each situation requiring a protective order is different. Clients are often nervous and confused. I help guide each client through the process and help prepare them to present their case in a clear manner. Often I also help protect them from additional harm or intimidation from their abuser and their attorney.

Failing to be granted a protective order, can be a devastating and sometimes dangerous situation. I help counsel clients on their potential success in being granted a protective order based on the evidence they will be able to present in court.

A client may also be falsely accused of domestic violence and their partner or family member has sought a protective order to seek an unfair legal advantage. I also represent clients in these circumstances and guide them through an effective defense.

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When a legal matter arises, the lawyer you select plays a crucial role in the outcome of your case. Contact me, Paige Norwood Jennings, today. I look forward to discussing your case with you and guiding you through the legal process during this difficult time.